Muchas gracias. Gracias de antemano. Gracias y un saludo. Nunca se han podido descargar, en todo caso hay algun enlace donde encontrar contenido concreto que yo no puedo poner en youtube y que alguien tiene en internet. Posdata; Estaba viendo estos videos via elbauldekaliste en youtube y ya no salia pero volvi a encontrar los videos al regresar aqui ahora estan bajo msbabyeinstein alguna razon?
Un beso. Muchas gracias por compartir estos videos, ya q no he podido comprarlos y a mi hija le fascinan Saludos, Maribel. Es imposible poder comprar todo lo que hay y a veces ni siquiera un poco , para eso estoy yo, para poder traer y compartir todo este contenido que es tan positivo para nuestros peques. Un saludo y gracias por tu comentario. Enhorabuena por el blog y muchisimas gracias por compartirlo.
Sigue asi, me encanta, es lo que estaba buscando!! Gracias por tus palabras, animan mucho de veras. Excelente blog. Gracias por los videos.
He visto que Descubre todas las formas y Los primeros sonidos del bebe no pueden verse. Acabo de descubrir tu blog, es muy interesante y orientativo para madres primerizas que es mi caso jejeje. Web icon An illustration of a computer application window Wayback Machine Texts icon An illustration of an open book.
Books Video icon An illustration of two cells of a film strip. Video Audio icon An illustration of an audio speaker. Audio Software icon An illustration of a 3. Software Images icon An illustration of two photographs. Video Audio icon An illustration of an audio speaker.
Audio Software icon An illustration of a 3. Software Images icon An illustration of two photographs. Images Donate icon An illustration of a heart shape Donate Ellipses icon An illustration of text ellipses. It appears your browser does not have it turned on. Torrentz dev. Total 3, Comments masum at CET: Thank you. Tools of the Modern Web Developer. Steal This Film II. In this film, we have tried to go beyond the current discussions around file-sharing to look at what kinds of social change are precipitated by massive changes in our capacity to communicate.
We think the changes wrought by networked, peer distribution are historical on the scale of the printing press and here we try to explain why. For many of you these argument will be familiar. These are strange times, in which to many of us the battle already seems to have been won. And yet we have to accept that all the time harsh laws are being enacted, lawsuits levied against innocent people, arrests made - all intended to destroy or delay what is an inevitable change in how we look at creative work.
It has been an exciting and demanding year for us and we really hope you will enjoy the work we have done. It would not have been possible without the the thousands of donations you have given us. Thank you. Kevenll at CET: cuntycheese, That is my entire philosophy on free-meda, thank you for putting that in words for me.
The world must have been so boring with writers, painters, musicians and filmmakers sitting around unwilling to create anything cus noone had invented copyright laws yet! As soon as copyright laws were invented all those creative types started making interesting stuff - just so they could earn shit loads of money!!!
Both in name and in flavour!!