You should make some Pokedex entries for Pokemon in order to capture them easily. The main purpose for catching Pokemon is to complete the pokedex entries so that they will become powerful during battles and easy to capture legendary Pokemon such as:.
More than 40 new attack moves are added in this game. This Pokemon was only available in Pokemon Colosseum game. It also consists of all the features which were present in Pokemon Emerald game and it was last version before the generation 4 was launched! Yes so we can say that this is best Generation 3 game ever! These moves will be available for certain Pokemon. Diamond is a New Item added to This game, by using Diamond items we can power up our pokemon so it becomes strong…and all types Ground,Fire,Water… have different shapes of Diamonds.
Wally: This Pokemon character is Pokemon one of the most important characters in this game who will surely help you to get all badges and he was not available in previous generation.
You can get your hands on this Legendary pokemon only if you have enough coins. They both are boy and girl who helps players while playing the game. If one of them will show up as an opponent in Battle then it means he or she wants to battle with you.
Download Here. Graphically, the games look great with very minor graphical issues, may require decent hardware to achieve stable frame rates. Pokemon Alpha Sapphire is the new installment of the famous saga of Pokemon video games for Nintendo 3DS, a classic within the adventure games, platforms and role. There are many emulators, however, we recommend the use of Citra Emulator , as its simplicity, reliability, and above all its compatibility with almost all game ROMs make it the best option to choose.
Here are some key aspects of Pokemon Alpha Sapphire:. See a mistake? Want to contribute? Edit this game article on Github.