If you run into any problems, check the FAQ page for some common issues. Download the cross-platform world-downloader. Then connect to localhost in Minecraft to start downloading the world. Other arguments can be specified to change the behaviour of the downloader. For example, render distance extending can be enabled by setting the render distance with -r [distance] :.
Additional options are available by running java -jar world-downloader. To easily download the latest release using the terminal, the following commands can be used:. Some linux distributions may require -Djdk. Skip to content. Star Branches Tags. Could not load branches. Could not load tags. Latest commit. Git stats commits. Failed to load latest commit information.
Update CI to use only Java Aug 19, Retrieve arguments using powershell on Windows. Nov 20, Fixed build issues. Active 2 years, 10 months ago. Viewed 45k times. Improve this question. Josh Josh 1 1 gold badge 2 2 silver badges 6 6 bronze badges.
Add a comment. Active Oldest Votes. If you own the server, and have access to its files, there is a simple solution. First of all, navigate to your server files. It should look like this: Thanks to John H for the picture.
Next, copy the folder named 'world'. Navigate to the saves folder. Click on '. Finally, paste the world folder into 'saves'.
Open up minecraft, and you should see it! Repeat this process in reverse to save the world back to the server. Improve this answer. Community Bot 1. This could be a useful answer if you do not have access to the files, but as it stands is not much more than a link. I've been using this mod recently in an effort to 'rescue' a bunch of my large-scale structures from a server that isn't as well taken care of as it once was.
I'll try to write up a more detailed explanation of this method tonight. Sign up or log in Sign up using Google. Sign up using Facebook. Sign up using Email and Password. Post as a guest Name. Email Required, but never shown.
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